All posts by: Melanie Parish

The Role Of Experimentation In Change Management With Phil Buckley

If we are going to experience change at all (which we’re bound to, whether we like it or not), we might as well change confidently. Senior change management professional, Phil Buckley drives this message loud and clear in his award-winning book, Change with Confidence. Having managed 32 large-scale change projects all over the Anglo-American world, Phil inspires leaders to embrace change as an opportunity to grow. In this conversation with Melanie Parish, he discusses the role of experimentation in managing change, especially in these fascinating times. He also discusses the value of feedback and co-creation in effective leadership. Phil is making a new book set to come out next year as well. Find out what to expect from it!... Read More

Create The Life Of Your Dreams Doing What You Love With Laura DiBenedetto

Many of us miss out on living the life of our dreams because we’re so caught up with work that does not fulfill us anymore. Teaching you how to create the life of our dreams without sacrificing what we love, Melanie Parish interviews TEDx speaker and Life Mastery Coach, Laura DiBenedetto. Here, Laura talks about leadership and the fine line between when a leader needs to be patient and when a leader needs to be a little bit impatient. She also discusses the imposter syndrome and how people can get out of it when it shows up. Not forgetting herself in the equation, Laura then shares the things she does to take care of herself and rejuvenate. Tune into this conversation as she shares more about her life and how she came back from retirement better than ever.... Read More

Taking The Moment For Self-Care With Tony Loyd

There's a myth that says if your work is meaningful enough, you don't need to practice self-care. That is a complete lie. We're all serving one another. As such, it's really important for people who are serving clients to take that moment for self-care. On today’s show, Melanie Parish chats with leadership development expert Tony Loyd about self-care and how to increase it. They also touch on the imposter syndrome and how we can reinforce our own value as human beings.... Read More

Starting Businesses: The Business Plan That Works With Sean Castrina

Why do you want to start a business? Sean Castrina thinks understanding the why is absolutely important. Sean is a bestselling author, a serial entrepreneur, and the host of The Ten Minute Entrepreneur podcast. He started his first company at age 23 and has not stopped since. Today, he shares his model for starting businesses with Melanie Parish. One out of every two startups fail. Don’t want to be a part of the statistics? Tune in to this episode to help you discover your why and start motivating yourself to reach for your goals.... Read More

Afropreneurs: Shaping The Future Of Africa With Clarah Manuhwa

Driven by the need to help Africa prosper and develop, Clarah Manuhwa has created a platform for young Africans with the aim of connecting Africans to work together. Clarah is a young Zimbabwean entrepreneur and engineer. Today on the podcast, she sits down with Melanie Parish to explain what drove her to start the foundation and share how she’s motivating, empowering, and engaging young African women to do the best for themselves. ... Read More

What Self-Care Looks Like To A Cancer Advocate With Andrea Wilson Woods

​Being a cancer advocate is a profession that carries a lot of heavy emotional labor, especially when you’re personally invested in it. Having had the experience of caring for her younger sister until the latter succumbed to liver cancer, the fight against cancer is a personal one for Andrea Wilson Woods, so much so that she is up to her elbows running a two-pronged war against cancer through her nonprofit, Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association and her for-profit health technology company, Cancer University. At the same time, she is actively promoting her award-winning bestselling memoir, Better of Bald. How does she stay in peak mental, physical and emotional shape in the middle of this flurry of activity? Listen in as she shares some of her self-care routines with Melanie Parish on the podcast.... Read More

Podcast on Management 3.0

What it takes to be an Experimental Leader?   In order to allow your team to flourish and find solutions, leaders have to stop leading from a place of fear and reaction and start being experimental leaders, says Melanie Parish, author of, The Experimental Leader: Be a New Kind of Boss to Cultivate an Organization of Innovators. Find out what seven dysfunctional leadership styles to avoid and why self reflection is the key to stop being so reactive.   You can also access the podcast episode at: Read More

Podcast on Bottleneck Distant Assistants

Why Leaders Should Spend Most of Their Time Managing Bottlenecks... Read More

Constructing Your Career With Elinor Moshe

One of the most booming industries globally, the construction industry is, without exception, fraught with many challenges. It’s a long-term game, and that is why it’s essential to work alongside people who understand the process and see the results. Joining Melanie Parish on the show today is Elinor Moshe, a mentor, speaker, and the host of the podcast called Constructing You. Elinor shares how industry professionals and future leaders can construct their careers in construction to achieve more recognition, higher compensation, and faster career progression.... Read More

Article in Ms. Career Girl

 Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More