All posts by: Melanie Parish

Adapting To Disruptions Caused By COVID-19 With Jesse Finkelstein

Listen in as Melanie Parish talks to co-founder and principal at Page Two Books, Jesse Finkelstein, about adapting to disruptions in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Page Two Books is a publishing company aimed at helping authors of non-fiction books. Jesse discusses how the company focuses on getting the message across from authors to the readers despite the current pandemic. Aspects of physical distancing are also talked about in this episode. Specifically, on how her team works on bringing on years of expertise while maintaining safety during the current circumstances.... Read More

Podcast on Consulting Business

Leadership Consulting: How To Lead Your Clients As A Consultant EPISODE SUMMARY As an organization grows, so does the need for a whole army of leadership positions that need to be filled with capable individuals who can work with independence and initiative. Leadership consulting helps people develop their management and leadership skills and thrive in fast-paced environments. Award-winning coach, speaker, consultant, and author Melanie Parish has been in this business for many years, working with organizations ranging from a Fortune 50 company to IT startups. Joining Michael Zipursky on the show, Melanie walks us through her process of acquiring clients and building...... Read More

Achieving Maximum Happiness With Andrew Hallam

Prioritizing our needs and wants can lead to achieving a feeling of fulfillment. On today’s show, listen in as Melanie Parish interviews Andrew Hallam about achieving gratification by doing precisely this. Andrew is a financial wellness speaker who has delivered more than 150 talks on investing, happiness, and money. He discusses the concept of maximum happiness and introduces his book called Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School, which talks about the details of the financial services industry. Learn more as Andrew talks about prioritization, money, and gratification in today’s episode.... Read More

Article in CEO Blog Nation

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

Article in InBusiness

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

Article in Rethink Retail

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than now. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.”... Read More

Modeling Accountable Leadership In Your Organization With Dr. Vince Molinaro

How important is a culture of accountability in an organization? What role do leaders have to play to foster this accountability? What does accountable leadership mean for the performance of a company? Vince Molinaro, Ph.D., the Founder and CEO of Leadership Contract Inc., answers these questions as he joins Melanie Parish on the show. A successful author, speaker, leadership adviser, and researcher, Vince has helped create one of the leading brands in the human capital industry. He has recently released his latest book, Accountable Leaders, which he and Melanie dissect in this conversation.... Read More

Article in

As a long time executive coach (over 20 years), I have clients in a variety of organizations--many in technology. I have noticed some changes in my coaching calls over the last 7 weeks. I am seeing my clients challenged in ways that I haven’t seen before. Parents are challenged by having children at home. Families are challenged by having to share a Wi-Fi connection. Single people living alone are feeling stressed and I am seeing signs of depression I don’t usually see in my work. Organizations have been faced with furloughs and lay-offs and the work has been difficult, emotional, and exhausting. It is also important to consider those who are still working and the challenges they face. ... Read More

Article in

During times of uncertainly, it's a good time for leaders to work toward change by conducting experiments that, while they may not work in the end, will not harm the company's bottom line.... Read More

Article in Advancing Women

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization anymore. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work while missing the real work of leading.... Read More