All posts by: Melanie Parish

Article in The Good Men Project

 Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

Mindfulness Revolution For Leaders And First Responders In This COVID-19 Environment With Libby Robinson

Nothing is ever the same in this current COVID-19 pandemic environment. For leaders, that means having to find more experimental ways to really reach out to their team and keep the organization afloat. In this episode, Melanie Parsh interviews someone who perfectly captures the experimental leader. She brings over the Managing Partner of Integral Leadership & Coaching, Libby Robinson, who has worked for 26 years with senior leaders globally, helping to bring more mindfulness, resilience, and greater capacity to brilliant and ambitious leaders. Here, Libby shares how she is experimenting in her work, life, and business, giving us a peek into the novel ways she has been helping leaders and first responders who have been under pressure. She then discusses the idea of stockpile and pro bono coaching hours before letting us in on her latest venture, BackFeed+, a new app that helps individuals and organizations get better, faster feedback.... Read More

Podcast on Harvard Business Review

“Being a leader is lonely work. The loneliness of leadership wakes you up at three in the morning as your brain tries to solve problems you don’t have answers for. You attempt to figure out whether your best strategy is to be strong and powerful or kind and collaborative. You wish someone would give you feedback about your leadership, but the more you get promoted, the more people seem to agree with you.”... Read More

Finding Your True North With Melinda Harrison

There's value to having something to strive for. All of us need to be striving toward something, and that vision comes from our values about what we want in our lives and what has meaning. When we have that vision, we can set a target and move toward it. Joining Melanie Parish on the show today is Melinda Harrison, a former Olympic swimmer and a professional certified ICF PCC Level Executive Coach with an extensive experience in goal discovery and pathways to attainment. Melinda tackles the challenges that competitive athletes struggle with in finding their true North. She also touches on the concept of athlete autopilot, self-measurement, and the messy middle of change. Join Melanie and Melinda in this insightful conversation about the importance of asking the question of why we're driven to succeed.... Read More

Article in Thrive Global

I always wanted to be helpful and I really want people to love the work they do. That led me to coach. With a background in sales and marketing, in the beginning, people came to me because they wanted to boost sales. Then they stayed with me and we started to work more on production and flow. I wrote a book because it was the tool I used with my clients.... Read More

Article in Digitizing Polaris

As a leader, during COVID-19 (or any crisis) it can be hard to find your feet and to feel confident in your path. You may feel inadequate, unsure and out of your depth. That is to be expected. This is leadership like we have never seen before. So many businesses are closed or trying to find new ways of doing things. I believe almost every organization feels like a start-up right now. Uncertain times need new kinds of leadership. We don’t have the answers, only questions, and still, we are asked to be leaders. Being experimental in your leadership approach will help you try things, learn from them, and figure out your next experiment.... Read More

Article in Bay Street Bull

As a leader, during COVID-19 (or any crisis) it can be hard to find your feet and to feel confident in your path. You may feel inadequate, unsure and out of your depth. That is to be expected. This is leadership like we have never seen before. So many businesses are closed or trying to find new ways of doing things. I believe almost every organization feels like a start-up right now. Uncertain times need new kinds of leadership. We don’t have the answers, only questions, and still, we are asked to be leaders. Being experimental in your leadership approach will help you try things, learn from them, and figure out your next experiment.... Read More

Podcast on Marketing Thought Leadership

In this podcast, Melanie explains why now, more than ever, it’s important for leaders to move forward with data-driven experimental leadership. She introduces the five questions that are key to codifying the work on an experimental leader and tells us how to identify (and deal with) the seven types of toxic leaders.... Read More

Article in

Elevate the dialogue around leadership. Give people a clear path to help them try new things, and create space for innovation with experimental leadership methods.... Read More

Podcast on Twelve Minute Convos

​Melanie Parish is an expert who shows people new ways of thinking about their leadership /Ep 2858 Melanie Parish is a public speaker, consultant, workshop leader, author, and Master Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation, from whom she received the Prism Award. An expert in problem-solving, constraints management, operations, strategic hiring, and brand development, Melanie has consulted and coached organizations ranging from a Fortune 50 company to IT start-ups. Her individual clients include those in FAANG and other top global IT companies. Melanie is a Certified Professional Coactive Coach and Organization and Relationship Systems Certified Coach, and a Theory...... Read More