Posts filed under: Podcast

Afropreneurs: Shaping The Future Of Africa With Clarah Manuhwa

Driven by the need to help Africa prosper and develop, Clarah Manuhwa has created a platform for young Africans with the aim of connecting Africans to work together. Clarah is a young Zimbabwean entrepreneur and engineer. Today on the podcast, she sits down with Melanie Parish to explain what drove her to start the foundation and share how she’s motivating, empowering, and engaging young African women to do the best for themselves. ... Read More

What Self-Care Looks Like To A Cancer Advocate With Andrea Wilson Woods

​Being a cancer advocate is a profession that carries a lot of heavy emotional labor, especially when you’re personally invested in it. Having had the experience of caring for her younger sister until the latter succumbed to liver cancer, the fight against cancer is a personal one for Andrea Wilson Woods, so much so that she is up to her elbows running a two-pronged war against cancer through her nonprofit, Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association and her for-profit health technology company, Cancer University. At the same time, she is actively promoting her award-winning bestselling memoir, Better of Bald. How does she stay in peak mental, physical and emotional shape in the middle of this flurry of activity? Listen in as she shares some of her self-care routines with Melanie Parish on the podcast.... Read More

Constructing Your Career With Elinor Moshe

One of the most booming industries globally, the construction industry is, without exception, fraught with many challenges. It’s a long-term game, and that is why it’s essential to work alongside people who understand the process and see the results. Joining Melanie Parish on the show today is Elinor Moshe, a mentor, speaker, and the host of the podcast called Constructing You. Elinor shares how industry professionals and future leaders can construct their careers in construction to achieve more recognition, higher compensation, and faster career progression.... Read More

The Agile Philosophy, CareerGig And The Agile World With Greg Kihlstrom

We live in an agile world and we need to be agile if we are to thrive in it. Whether you’re applying it to your business, marketing or any other endeavor, agility allows you to be scientific and methodical about upping your game and achieving strategic pivots in a shorter amount of time. This is a very timely conversation to make as we make our way through this terrible social experiment that is COVID-19. Join Melanie Parish and Greg Kihlstrom as they talk about this in this interview. Greg is the founder of CareerGig which is, in itself, an agile freelancing platform that uniquely eliminates the traditional tradeoff between career flexibility and employment benefits that freelancers traditionally have to make – something that many potential freelancers and companies can benefit from as we all go through a radical shift in the way we hire employees. Greg is also a bestselling author and host of The Agile World Podcast.... Read More

Operationalizing Compassion Mindset Into An Organization’s Culture With Nate Regier

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust many of us into being our experimental selves. What we're all used to is now far from the current environment's vocabulary of social distancing, isolation, and remote work. For many businesses, this poses a number of challenges on the leadership front, especially with how you can maintain the connection with your people and, more importantly, reach out with more compassion. Bringing in an expert around that, Melanie Parish talks to Nate Regier, PhD, the CEO and founding owner of Next Element. Nate helps us understand what compassion mindset is all about, how it helps people in a different way than emotional intelligence, and how it can be built into the culture of an organization. Join him in this conversation to learn more and where he also discusses compassion fatigue versus empathy fatigue.... Read More

The Essentials Of Consulting Success: How To Thrive During Uncertain Times With Michael Zipursky

Businesses in different industries are facing unprecedented challenges during this time of pandemic and consulting is no exception. How can professionals in the industry pivot their services and products so that they can continue to thrive and reap success in the midst of all the uncertainty? This is the theme of Michael Zipursky’s latest book, Act Now, which he talks about in this interview with Melanie Parish. Michael is the host of Consulting Success Podcast, where he interviews thought leaders in the industry, and author of Amazon bestsellers, The Elite Consulting Mind and Consulting Success. Now is a good time to rethink your consulting business so that you can thrive in these uncertain times. Learn about what Michael can offer you to help plus his personal insights on being an experimental leader.... Read More

How To Present Yourself As A Thought Leader With Elizabeth Bachman

Up to this day, women leaders continue to be underrated as strategic thinkers and thought leaders in their organizations. Many women may have reached the C-suite level but still have that DIY tendency and self-effacing attitude that often prevents them from having a real seat at the table. How can women unleash their true potential as strategic thinkers and thought leaders? In this conversation with Melanie Parish, sought-after speaker, strategist, podcast host and presentation skills trainer, Elizabeth Bachman shares some tips on how to present yourself as a real thought leader in your sphere and start having a real impact. Also on this episode, learn how you can try little steps over time to create incremental change plus some tips on presenting yourself and creating engagement online. ... Read More

Building A Breakthrough Leadership Team With Mike Goldman

As your business grows, you need to pass on a lot of your responsibility to others, essentially building a leadership team that serves as your organization's brains. With host Melanie Parish, Mike Goldman introduces us to the Breakthrough Leadership Team, the critical factor you need to focus on as you scale your business in these uncertain times. Mike is a nationally recognized speaker, author, leadership team coach, and the Founder of Performance Breakthrough, where he works with midsize companies to build their leadership teams and achieve dramatic business growth. In this episode, he teaches us the importance of getting the right people into your organization’s leadership positions, as well as leading yourself in order to better lead others. His incredible grasp of leadership team development is a product of his three decades’ worth of experience working with clients ranging from local entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies. Don’t miss this opportunity to latch on as Melanie picks his brain!... Read More

Leadership: Getting Clear About What You’re Driving Towards With Adam Kreek

​Leadership is both a gift and a challenge. As a leader, you are constantly pushed to your breaking point. You have to be disciplined, calculated, focused, determined, and find ways to break through the blockages. Adam Kreek, one of North America's top executive business coaches, joins Melanie Parish to talk about leadership and what people should be thinking about their own leadership right now. He also highlights the importance of getting clear about your leadership goals – what you’re driving towards. Adam founded KreekSpeak Business Solutions in 2008 and have been coaching, writing, speaking, and training ever since. His bestselling business book, The Responsibility Ethic, teaches us the “how” of self-leadership, driving personal and professional results in individuals and organizations.... Read More

Brand Alignment: Brand Success Through Storytelling And Authenticity With Janel Dyan

Creating a successful brand is all about building trust and authenticity. When you’re authentic and in alignment with your brand, you’re able to draw people in and lead them. Janel Dyan joins Melanie Parish to discuss about brand alignment and how storytelling and being authentic is very important in building trust with your audience, consumers, and employees. Janel is an executive brand strategist aimed towards leadership success. Listen in as she talks more about brand alignment, authenticity, and consumer trust.... Read More