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Feeling Good About Your Own Leadership

Hey, everybody, I’ve been thinking about how leaders can feel good about their own leadership. And so many times, we’re in a learning mode or growing mode. And as soon as we start to learn some new things and try to implement them, we find ourselves sort of falling into some imposter syndrome or finding ourselves feeling uncertain about the path that we’re on.

And I want to talk about the idea that there’s sort of three zones in your leadership or anything new that you’re learning. So, there’s the comfort zone. And the comfort zone is where you feel entirely comfortable about what you’re doing. And that doesn’t cause much stress for you as a leader. But then sometimes you step into the growth mode, and you start to learn new things and grow as a leader. And that’s all great, that feels really good. But as you learn more and more, and as the goals of the organization push you to be a little stronger. To ask a little more of you, you might actually end up in the panic zone. And that panic zone is where you’ve just pushed a little too far. So, it’s really normal, all three of these ends are really normal, it’s normal to feel comfortable in the comfort zone things you know. And it’s normal to feel really good when you’re learning for most people. And then it’s really normal that imposter syndrome.

And stress happens, anxiety happens when you’re just pushed a little too far than in that panic zone. And so the remedy for all of those is to be aware of those zones and put yourself in the place that you want. So if you start to feel a lot of imposter syndrome, maybe you’ve just been learning too fast, and you need to ease off for a couple of hours, you know, do something that you’re really good at that helps ease that, that anxiety or that feeling that you’re in over your head. If you are trying to learn really fast, slow down on the learning, it’s not a race leadership is a long-term journey, not a race. So sometimes when we try to learn really fast, we can put ourselves on edge. We want to feel like we’re learning, but not put ourselves over that edge to where we feel like we’re on the edge of failure. Now, sometimes circumstances put us there. And sometimes we don’t know how to learn.

And I just want to remind you all that I have a program that launched in April. We’ve had participants in it piloting it. We’re so excited about it and essentially, essentially no pun intended. We’re calling this program Leadership Essentials. And it is essentially a 90-day program and we promise that at the end of 90 days you will feel like you know how to stop micromanaging. You know how to delegate better You know how to hold people accountable. You know how to think about your own time management and how you lead and we will walk with you, we will talk with you.

This is a learning coaching program, there’s a community component, and we give you everything you need to be a significantly different leader in 90 days. If you want to learn more about that, send me a message on Facebook or reach out to us on our website, We would love to talk to you about this for you or people in your organization who want to learn about leadership. If you have a problem with micromanaging, this is exactly the program for you if you don’t know what to learn.

So, you find yourself in your comfort zone, but you know, it’s not where you want to be. This is a program that will give you the learning that you need, and also the tools to keep you out of the panic zone as your skill up as a leader. I can’t wait to talk to you. I hope that you have an amazing week and go experiment.

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