How to Recognize the True You



Being willing to look at the actual behavior that you bring into the world and how it affects people.” says Dr. Carol Scott

The following strategies for self-awareness can help you to become more aware of yourself and your actions so that you can make better decisions in life:

1. Take the time to reflect on your past successes and failures.


2. Identify where you feel most comfortable and where you feel uncomfortable. This can be anything from using public transportation to visiting new places.



3. Think about how others perceive you when making important decisions, such as choosing a career path or deciding whether or not to marry someone new.


4. Take stock of what motivates you in life to use these things as inspiration for future goals and dreams!



What are our abandoned dreams and what are those new dreams for whom we want to be as leaders?– Melanie Parish, MCC

Don’t be afraid to dream big as a leader. Stretch into the possibilities of the future and allow yourself a giant goal. You may hit limits, but make sure they are not of your own making.