
Are you a business owner, executive, leader, team leader, aspiring future leader, leadership junkie, a scientist, a design thinker, or simply the leader of your own life? If you are, then you are a leader, and as such, you should be experimenting!

Welcome to The Experimental Leader, a podcast where we tackle the ways leaders are experimenting in their own work. Hosted by Melanie Parish and Dr. Mel Rutherford, we dive into the most interesting questions about leaders and get into real-life conversations about how people might be experimenting with their leadership. What they are trying? How they are leading and managing their flow of work and throughput? How are they managing bottlenecks, mission, vision, strategic, operational, and tactical intents? How do they organize experiments? How do they succeed? How do they fail? How do they collect data?

The loneliness of leadership can be overwhelming, especially when a leader gets promoted and doesn’t have a roadmap for how to lead. They might feel like they are supposed to have the answers, and yet they have to figure out what that really means. The hardest part can be not having anyone to talk to about their leadership journey.

  Leadership should be driven with purpose and meaning. It is not just about leading for the sake of it. It should be the foundation that puts the business and the people within it to success. In this episode, Jayson Krause, the founder of Level 52, shares with us how he is working to help organizations disrupt and accelerate a new breed of meaningful leadership. He shares the unique points of the company and how they are experimenting with work these days. Jayson then lets us in on his upcoming book, The Science Behind Success: What Every Leader Needs toRead More
  How does one teach language to kids from an online setting and still be fun and engaging? It would seem impossible until you see what Les Petites Pommes is doing. Founded by Mary Clements in 2009, the award-winning Canadian company specializes in creating programs that help children learn French. The CEO herself joins Melanie Parish in today’s episode to share what the pivot looked like for their company when COVID-19 forced them to shift everything online. An artist by heart, Mary led her company to thrive in the midst of the pandemic through willful experimentation and trailblazing. Listen to the episode to learnRead More
The pandemic has pushed many of us to experiment with the ways we lead our businesses and organizations. What we’re used to in the past does not anymore apply today. One area that is undeniably transformed is that of face to face interactions with people. This episode’s guest, Kelly Ann McKnight, the founder of Stone Ridge Consulting, has been doing quite the experiment. She has shifted her focus from just face-to-face consulting and facilitation to the learning journeys by building online learning. Here, she sits down with Melanie Parish to share how she is navigating through this uncertainty and, withRead More
  Believing in yourself is a common mantra we hear for motivation, but it is easier said than done. Going past all of the self-doubts, worries, and fears due to imposter syndrome is hard, but we can definitely gain a well-deserved self-trust by seeing our uniqueness despite our flaws. Melanie Parish is joined by public speaker and philanthropist Angel Ribo to discuss how to embrace your true self and let it out for everyone to see. After all, we must not be dictated by our surroundings but by what lies inside ourselves. Angel also shares what kind of fears keep himRead More
  Most of us have grown up with the idea that business should always be about the bottomline – profits, revenue, growth – but there is a rising trend of redefining that bottomline to include compassion, empathy, support, care and camaraderie. International business consultant, international speaker, lecturer, and best-selling author, Dr. Bruno Cignacco elevates this line of thinking into a full-blown business philosophy with his latest book, The Art of Compassionate Business. Joining Melanie Parish in this episode, he explains what compassion means in business and why we need to shift our attention to striking a balance between the quantitative and qualitative aspects ofRead More
What does it take to go from being broke and living out in a hostel for five months to becoming a serial tech entrepreneur and building two multimillion-dollar companies? Bernardo de la Vega, the host of The Next Big Pivot podcast and the man behind the app, Fiesta, sits down with Melanie Parish to share with us his journey. He gives us a view of how he is creating the TikTok for podcasts and how, as a leader, he is going after the blue ocean and facing challenges during the uncertain COVID-19 world. Having been working with podcasts, Bernardo then sharesRead More
If we are going to experience change at all (which we’re bound to, whether we like it or not), we might as well change confidently. Senior change management professional, Phil Buckley drives this message loud and clear in his award-winning book, Change with Confidence. Having managed 32 large-scale change projects all over the Anglo-American world, Phil inspires leaders to embrace change as an opportunity to grow. In this conversation with Melanie Parish, he discusses the role of experimentation in managing change, especially in these fascinating times. He also discusses the value of feedback and co-creation in effective leadership. Phil is making a newRead More
  Many of us miss out on living the life of our dreams because we’re so caught up with work that does not fulfill us anymore. Teaching you how to create the life of our dreams without sacrificing what we love, Melanie Parish interviews TEDx speaker and Life Mastery Coach, Laura DiBenedetto. Here, Laura talks about leadership and the fine line between when a leader needs to be patient and when a leader needs to be a little bit impatient. She also discusses the imposter syndrome and how people can get out of it when it shows up. Not forgettingRead More
      There’s a myth that says if your work is meaningful enough, you don’t need to practice self-care. That is a complete lie. We’re all serving one another. As such, it’s really important for people who are serving clients to take that moment for self-care. On today’s show, Melanie Parish chats with leadership development expert Tony Loyd about self-care and how to increase it. They also touch on the imposter syndrome and how we can reinforce our own value as human beings. — Listen to the podcast here Taking The Moment For Self-Care With Tony Loyd I’m here withRead More
  Why do you want to start a business? Sean Castrina thinks understanding the why is absolutely important. Sean is a bestselling author, a serial entrepreneur, and the host of The Ten Minute Entrepreneur podcast. He started his first company at age 23 and has not stopped since. Today, he shares his model for starting businesses with Melanie Parish. One out of every two startups fail. Don’t want to be a part of the statistics? Tune in to this episode to help you discover your why and start motivating yourself to reach for your goals. — Listen to the podcast here StartingRead More

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