
Are you a business owner, executive, leader, team leader, aspiring future leader, leadership junkie, a scientist, a design thinker, or simply the leader of your own life? If you are, then you are a leader, and as such, you should be experimenting!

Welcome to The Experimental Leader, a podcast where we tackle the ways leaders are experimenting in their own work. Hosted by Melanie Parish and Dr. Mel Rutherford, we dive into the most interesting questions about leaders and get into real-life conversations about how people might be experimenting with their leadership. What they are trying? How they are leading and managing their flow of work and throughput? How are they managing bottlenecks, mission, vision, strategic, operational, and tactical intents? How do they organize experiments? How do they succeed? How do they fail? How do they collect data?

The loneliness of leadership can be overwhelming, especially when a leader gets promoted and doesn’t have a roadmap for how to lead. They might feel like they are supposed to have the answers, and yet they have to figure out what that really means. The hardest part can be not having anyone to talk to about their leadership journey.

  Creating a successful brand is all about building trust and authenticity. When you’re authentic and in alignment with your brand, you’re able to draw people in and lead them. Janel Dyan joins Melanie Parish to discuss about brand alignment and how storytelling and being authentic is very important in building trust with your audience, consumers, and employees. Janel is an executive brand strategist aimed towards leadership success. Listen in as she talks more about brand alignment, authenticity, and consumer trust. — Listen to the podcast here Brand Alignment: Brand Success Through Storytelling And Authenticity With Janel Dyan I’m here withRead More
  As a leader, you’re constantly faced with change, disruption, and growth. The question is, how do you navigate through that? Glain Roberts-McCabe joins Melanie Parish to share how her company is helping leaders build the skills and behaviors they need to be successful, not just now but down the road through their group coaching approach. Glain and her team at The Roundtable develop coaching programs that involve redefining change and disruption – things that can help build success. Listen in as Glain and Melanie talk about leadership and how coaching groups like The Roundtable can help leaders become better at what they do. —Read More
  Listen in as Melanie Parish talks to co-founder and principal at Page Two Books, Jesse Finkelstein, about adapting to disruptions in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Page Two Books is a publishing company aimed at helping authors of non-fiction books. Jesse discusses how the company focuses on getting the message across from authors to the readers despite the current pandemic. Aspects of physical distancing are also talked about in this episode. Specifically, on how her team works on bringing on years of expertise while maintaining safety during the current circumstances. — Listen to the podcast here Adapting To DisruptionsRead More
Prioritizing our needs and wants can lead to achieving a feeling of fulfillment. On today’s show, listen in as Melanie Parish interviews Andrew Hallam about achieving gratification by doing precisely this. Andrew is a financial wellness speaker who has delivered more than 150 talks on investing, happiness, and money. He discusses the concept of maximum happiness and introduces his book called Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School, which talks about the details of the financial services industry. Learn more as Andrew talks about prioritization, money, and gratification in today’s episode. — Listen to the podcast here AchievingRead More
  How important is a culture of accountability in an organization? What role do leaders have to play to foster this accountability? What does accountable leadership mean for the performance of a company? Vince Molinaro, Ph.D., the Founder and CEO of Leadership Contract Inc., answers these questions as he joins Melanie Parish on the show. A successful author, speaker, leadership adviser, and researcher, Vince has helped create one of the leading brands in the human capital industry. He has recently released his latest book, Accountable Leaders, which he and Melanie dissect in this conversation. — Listen to the podcast hereRead More
  Nothing is ever the same in this current COVID-19 pandemic environment. For leaders, that means having to find more experimental ways to really reach out to their team and keep the organization afloat. In this episode, Melanie Parsh interviews someone who perfectly captures the experimental leader. She brings over the Managing Partner of Integral Leadership & Coaching, Libby Robinson, who has worked for 26 years with senior leaders globally, helping to bring more mindfulness, resilience, and greater capacity to brilliant and ambitious leaders. Here, Libby shares how she is experimenting in her work, life, and business, giving us a peek intoRead More
There’s value to having something to strive for. All of us need to be striving toward something, and that vision comes from our values about what we want in our lives and what has meaning. When we have that vision, we can set a target and move toward it. Joining Melanie Parish on the show today is Melinda Harrison, a former Olympic swimmer and a professional certified ICF PCC Level Executive Coach with an extensive experience in goal discovery and pathways to attainment. Melinda tackles the challenges that competitive athletes struggle with in finding their true North. She also touchesRead More
There is always something in somebody that is valuable and that you can learn from regardless of how different we all are. With the current pandemic, humanity has rediscovered that relationships matter and that leadership lives in everybody, not just in the designated leader. On today’s show, Melanie Parish talks with Marita Fridjhon about relationship systems and how they impact everything that we do. They also dive into how you can integrate the voice of the novice into your solutions, acknowledging that the novice sometimes has information that isn’t available to those who are in an organization. Marita is the CEO andRead More
In times like this when leadership is being challenged in all fronts, the experimental leader rises to the forefront, armed with a team imbued with a culture of adaptability and innovation. No other time is more apt than now to propagate the message of a new kind of leadership that harnesses the potential of the team to the fullest. Melanie Parish succinctly describes this kind of leadership in her talk during the April 28th, 2020 online book launch of her book, The Experimental Leader: Be a New Kind of Boss to Cultivate an Organization of Innovators. Melanie firmly believes that experimentationRead More
  There are many kindnesses that we must let ourselves learn over time, and one of these kindnesses is allowing vulnerability into our lives. Allowing vulnerability opens a new door of possibility in the various ways you interact with the world, and with this kindness, you attain a new degree of freedom. Joanna Davis, MCC has over a decade of experience as a certified coach. She joins Melanie Parish to talk about allowing vulnerability into your interactions with yourself and others. Together with Joanna and Melanie, attain this new freedom by allowing yourself to be vulnerable. — Listen to the podcastRead More

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