
Are you a business owner, executive, leader, team leader, aspiring future leader, leadership junkie, a scientist, a design thinker, or simply the leader of your own life? If you are, then you are a leader, and as such, you should be experimenting!

Welcome to The Experimental Leader, a podcast where we tackle the ways leaders are experimenting in their own work. Hosted by Melanie Parish and Dr. Mel Rutherford, we dive into the most interesting questions about leaders and get into real-life conversations about how people might be experimenting with their leadership. What they are trying? How they are leading and managing their flow of work and throughput? How are they managing bottlenecks, mission, vision, strategic, operational, and tactical intents? How do they organize experiments? How do they succeed? How do they fail? How do they collect data?

The loneliness of leadership can be overwhelming, especially when a leader gets promoted and doesn’t have a roadmap for how to lead. They might feel like they are supposed to have the answers, and yet they have to figure out what that really means. The hardest part can be not having anyone to talk to about their leadership journey.

Listen to the podcast here Using The 5 Senses To Foster Creativity Hey, I’m really excited to be with you today. And I started to think about fostering creativity. And as leaders, we’re always fostering creativity on our teams. Helping them do things that haven’t been done before. And I was trying to think about how do people do that? Because I think it’s really important that we foster creativity. And then I also think that it can be kind of intentional. And I realized there’s some, you know, I got kind of enamored of the idea of thinking aboutRead More
  Listen to the podcast here Random Rules Stifle Innovation Hey, everybody, I’m super excited to be here with you. And our topic today is how random rules stifle innovation. And this topic is really near and dear to my heart because I’m kind of, you know, have a dominant, charming, sometimes leadership style. And I kind of like to be in charge. And I like to be in control. And I like to plan things. And so, I actually have realized I have kind of exactly the right personality to make random rules. So, if something goes wrong, here’sRead More
  What makes a good military leader? To be a scientist and an artist. The show’s guest in this episode is Mary Bell Ph.D., an associate professor at the National Defense University. Mary talks with Melanie Parish about how a good military leader not only needs to know the procedures. They also need to know how to step back and look at the bigger picture. Mary shares her thoughts on leadership in a hierarchy and where leadership in business and military overlap. Tune in, step back, and see the bigger picture! — Listen to the podcast here What Makes A GoodRead More
Listen to the podcast here Barriers, Bottlenecks, and Breakdowns Hey, everybody, I am really excited to be here with you. And I want to talk about bottlenecks, barriers and breakdowns today. So, when I think about bottlenecks, I really think about Eliyahu Goldratt. And the Theory of Constraints. So Eliyahu Goldratt, was an Israeli physicist, and he worked a lot in manufacturing. And if you think about a factory floor, where you’re producing something like automobiles that flows through an assembly line, for example, then we think about throughput. And we think about the amount of work that is producedRead More
TEL 58 | Leader Humility
  Imagine a world where leaders feel and display deep regard for others’ dignity. That world is one where leader humility is present, driving leaders and how they interact with others. We discuss the topic of leader humility as our host, Melanie Parish, interviews scholar, teacher, trainer, and senior leader Marilyn Gist. Marilyn helps us examine how humility works and its impact on leaders and their followers alike. This is an episode you do not want to miss if you want to develop your leadership skills! — Listen to the podcast here The Impact And Importance Of Leader Humility With MarilynRead More
Listen to the podcast here Experimenting With Self Care Hey, I’m super excited to be here with you. And I wanted to talk to you a little bit about self-care and how you can experiment with self-care. This week, I’ve had so many conversations with leaders who are feeling some burnout, especially people in Canada, with all the lockdowns. And it’s really hard to get outside and really hard to have kind of that feeling of a normal life. Burnout is a real risk for people and burnout can last a really long time. And I think many people IRead More
TEL 57 Kim Ades | Mind Coaching
  The only way through a person’s inner thoughts and feelings is through their journal. This is what the President of Frame of Mind Coaching, Kim Ades believes in. Kim is a business coach that helps highly driven people reach their goals. One of the best ways to understand people’s motivations is through their minds, and one way through that is by journaling. Join your host Melanie Parish as she sits down with coach and fellow podcaster Kim Ades. Learn how Kim is using podcasting for her business and how she uses a unique coaching style for her clients.  — Listen to theRead More
  Listen to the podcast here Empathy Improves Productivity Hey, everybody, I’m super excited to be here with you today. I think it’s really important when we’re thinking about making our teams more productive, that we also think about empathy, that we also think about what our teams need what they’re experiencing at any given time that we respond to them first, as human beings. We don’t see them as machinery to extract value from, but real people who we can help find fulfilment, and help them have an excitement about the work they do to feel proud of theRead More
TEL 56 Heather Younger | Caring Leadership
  Mental health issues are on the rise because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The show’s guest today is Heather Younger, the CEO, and Founder of Employee Fanatix and author of The Art of Caring Leadership. Employee Fanatix is a leadership development consulting and training firm that teaches you to achieve real business results through caring leadership. Heather chats with Melanie Parish on how we need to be more compassionate and empathetic in our workplace to uplift our organization. If you’ve built trust and shown care, your members will feel more empowered to take action. Tune in and learn more about the art of caring leadership!  — Listen to theRead More
Listen to the podcast here How To Pick Your Leadership Icons Hey, everybody, it’s great to be here with you today. And I’m super excited to talk to you about your leadership icons. It’s so interesting when we think about who we want to emulate when we become leaders, we want to think about, we want to think about choosing people to emulate who aren’t really our natural first choice. You see, we all have these personality types. So, someone who is more dominant might really love the idea of power in leadership, or someone who’s more of a charismaticRead More

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