Posts tagged with: Leadership

Operationalizing Compassion Mindset Into An Organization’s Culture With Nate Regier

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust many of us into being our experimental selves. What we're all used to is now far from the current environment's vocabulary of social distancing, isolation, and remote work. For many businesses, this poses a number of challenges on the leadership front, especially with how you can maintain the connection with your people and, more importantly, reach out with more compassion. Bringing in an expert around that, Melanie Parish talks to Nate Regier, PhD, the CEO and founding owner of Next Element. Nate helps us understand what compassion mindset is all about, how it helps people in a different way than emotional intelligence, and how it can be built into the culture of an organization. Join him in this conversation to learn more and where he also discusses compassion fatigue versus empathy fatigue.... Read More

Leadership: Getting Clear About What You’re Driving Towards With Adam Kreek

​Leadership is both a gift and a challenge. As a leader, you are constantly pushed to your breaking point. You have to be disciplined, calculated, focused, determined, and find ways to break through the blockages. Adam Kreek, one of North America's top executive business coaches, joins Melanie Parish to talk about leadership and what people should be thinking about their own leadership right now. He also highlights the importance of getting clear about your leadership goals – what you’re driving towards. Adam founded KreekSpeak Business Solutions in 2008 and have been coaching, writing, speaking, and training ever since. His bestselling business book, The Responsibility Ethic, teaches us the “how” of self-leadership, driving personal and professional results in individuals and organizations.... Read More

Article in CEO Blog Nation

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

Article in InBusiness

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

Article in Rethink Retail

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than now. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.”... Read More

Article in Advancing Women

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization anymore. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

Article in The Good Men Project

 Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More

The Relationship Systems Model With Marita Fridjhon

There is always something in somebody that is valuable and that you can learn from regardless of how different we all are. With the current pandemic, humanity has rediscovered that relationships matter and that leadership lives in everybody, not just in the designated leader. On today’s show, Melanie Parish talks with Marita Fridjhon about relationship systems and how they impact everything that we do. They also dive into how you can integrate the voice of the novice into your solutions, acknowledging that the novice sometimes has information that isn’t available to those who are in an organization. Marita is the CEO and Cofounder of CRR Global and a mentor to an ever-growing community of practitioners in the field of relationship systems work.... Read More

Article in Forbes

Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today during the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis. Some of us have experienced a variety of bosses in their career, but aren’t sure who to emulate, so feel they aren’t providing any real value in the organization. Others are getting sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more while missing the real objective of leading.... Read More

Article in HTC

 Being a leader is lonely work, none more so than today. As an executive coach, I hear it from leaders often. They say, “I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but now I’m not sure what I should be doing after my promotion. I feel really alone.” They find themselves in a leadership role, running a remote company, isolated from their team, without much guidance and they aren’t sure how they can “skill up.” Every leader has to find their own way of doing the work of leadership. They have had a variety of bosses in their career but they aren’t sure who to emulate, and they may feel like they aren’t providing any real value in the organization any more. Some get sucked into a spiral of trying to do more and more work, while missing the real work of leading.... Read More