Posts tagged with: radical

Leading Change: Effective Decision-Making and Team Involvement

    —   /center> Listen to the podcast here  Leading Change: Effective Decision-Making and Team Involvement — Hello. I’m Melanie Parish, and I am one of your hosts of the experimental leader podcast. I am an executive coach, a team coach, a consultant, and I’m super happy to be here with you today. Hi. I’m Mel Rutherford. I’m McMasters first transgender department chair. I’m one of the CO hosts of the experimental leader podcast, and I’m happy to be here today. Well, what are you thinking about today, Mel? Well, I was thinking last week I went to...... Read More

Radical Inclusivity

  —   Listen to the podcast here  Radical Inclusivity — Hi, Mel. Hi, Melanie. Well, I guess we should introduce ourselves. I’m Melanie Parrish, and I’m an executive coach. I’m a content creator and a podcast host, and it’s super exciting to be here with you today. I’m Mel Rutherford. I’m a professor of psychology, neuroscience and behavior at McMaster University, and I’m McMasters first transgender department chair. Yeah. So we don’t do this a lot, like often we have guests on our podcast, but I thought it would be really interesting to spend some time with you...... Read More

Highly Sensitive Leading with Heather Dominick

  The show’s guest in this episode is Heather Dominick. She’s the creator of She trains Entrepreneurs and Leaders to create more impact (and more income!) with less effort – by doing things differently – since 2010. —     Listen to the podcast here Highly Sensitive Leading with Heather Dominick Hello, it is so nice to be here with you live today. It’s the last podcast before the holidays. And I’ve been thinking about leadership and my own leadership. And I had a conversation with a client. That was really interesting about the idea of radical acceptance of...... Read More