Posts tagged with: Self Care

Navigating Public Affairs and Storytelling with Julianna Newland

  The show’s guest in this episode is Julianna Newland. She is an author and communication expert with over 30 years of experience in writing, public affairs, and government relations. Based in Indianapolis, she has worked in state government, nonprofits, and a Fortune 500 company. Her love for writing began as editor of her university newspaper and continues to shape her career. She lives in Indianapolis with her husband, journalist James G. Newland Jr., and their son, Patrick. —   Listen to the podcast here  Navigating Public Affairs and Storytelling with Julianna Newland Hello. It’s great to be with...... Read More

Running Yourself Ragged

Listen to the podcast here Running Yourself Ragged I am really excited to be here with you today. And I want to talk for a minute about what happens to you as a leader when you’ve been running really hard, and you’ve been working really hard and trying to be the best that you can be. And you just keep going and going and going. And for a while, it might feel really good. Like, you feel important, and you feel like you’re not going to an out of the park-like you’re really you know, you’re really providing valuable work...... Read More

Using The 5 Senses To Foster Creativity

Listen to the podcast here Using The 5 Senses To Foster Creativity Hey, I’m really excited to be with you today. And I started to think about fostering creativity. And as leaders, we’re always fostering creativity on our teams. Helping them do things that haven’t been done before. And I was trying to think about how do people do that? Because I think it’s really important that we foster creativity. And then I also think that it can be kind of intentional. And I realized there’s some, you know, I got kind of enamored of the idea of thinking about...... Read More

Experimenting with Self Care

Listen to the podcast here Experimenting With Self Care Hey, I’m super excited to be here with you. And I wanted to talk to you a little bit about self-care and how you can experiment with self-care. This week, I’ve had so many conversations with leaders who are feeling some burnout, especially people in Canada, with all the lockdowns. And it’s really hard to get outside and really hard to have kind of that feeling of a normal life. Burnout is a real risk for people and burnout can last a really long time. And I think many people I...... Read More

EB Sanders On Pursuing A Career Change The Right Way

  It is not that easy to do a career change, especially when pivoting to a completely different industry. What does it take in terms of skills and mindset for you to be successful in such a huge shift in life? Career coach EB Sanders works with creative individuals who need guidance in this regard. She talks with Melanie Parish about her work on career development, which is now mainly done through virtual platforms due to the pandemic. EB also emphasizes the challenges faced by women, people of color, and members of the marginalized sector regarding career opportunities which, despite the increasing awareness,...... Read More

Embracing Vulnerability And Building Connections With Susan Drumm

  It is hard to accept our weaknesses and failures, and as a result, our personal growth is hindered and our relationships suffer. By embracing vulnerability within ourselves, we can walk away from our past mistakes and discover our inner strengths that are yet to be showcased. Joining Melanie Parish is a leadership coach and the CEO of Meritage Leadership, Susan Drumm, to discuss how to get rid of imposter syndrome and how unlocking your full potential can open up your heart for better relationships. Susan also shares some advice on hiring coaches and the real reason you should do...... Read More

Jehaan Illyas On Defeating Imposter Syndrome

Sometimes, growth is hindered by a lack of self-support and confidence. Such is the root of imposter syndrome, acting as if a wall that hinders us from achieving our full potential. Talking about defeating these limiting thoughts with Melanie Parish is Jehaan Illyas, the Lead Psychiatrist at the Hamilton Family Health Team. Together, they discuss how to get rid of self-doubt, how each gender handles imposter syndrome, and why rising beyond your incompetence can lead to a better self. They also talk about the adjustments of the medical industry in virtual consultations and some self-care tips.... Read More

“French Chat” And Other Experiments In Online Learning With Mary Clements Of Les Petites Pommes

How does one teach language to kids from an online setting and still be fun and engaging? It would seem impossible until you see what Les Petites Pommes is doing. Founded by Mary Clements in 2009, the award-winning Canadian company specializes in creating programs that help children learn French. The CEO herself joins Melanie Parish in today’s episode to share what the pivot looked like for their company when COVID-19 forced them to shift everything online. An artist by heart, Mary led her company to thrive in the midst of the pandemic through willful experimentation and trailblazing. Listen to the episode to learn more about this beautiful pivot story.... Read More

Breaking The Imposter Syndrome With Angel Ribo

Believing in yourself is a common mantra we hear for motivation, but it is easier said than done. Going past all of the self-doubts, worries, and fears due to imposter syndrome is hard, but we can definitely gain a well-deserved self-trust by seeing our uniqueness despite our flaws. Melanie Parish is joined by public speaker and philanthropist Angel Ribo to discuss how to embrace your true self and let it out for everyone to see. After all, we must not be dictated by our surroundings but by what lies inside ourselves. Angel also shares what kind of fears keep him awake at night, some tips regarding self-care, and experimenting in the middle of the pandemic.... Read More

Create The Life Of Your Dreams Doing What You Love With Laura DiBenedetto

Many of us miss out on living the life of our dreams because we’re so caught up with work that does not fulfill us anymore. Teaching you how to create the life of our dreams without sacrificing what we love, Melanie Parish interviews TEDx speaker and Life Mastery Coach, Laura DiBenedetto. Here, Laura talks about leadership and the fine line between when a leader needs to be patient and when a leader needs to be a little bit impatient. She also discusses the imposter syndrome and how people can get out of it when it shows up. Not forgetting herself in the equation, Laura then shares the things she does to take care of herself and rejuvenate. Tune into this conversation as she shares more about her life and how she came back from retirement better than ever.... Read More