Posts tagged with: Self Care

Taking The Moment For Self-Care With Tony Loyd

There's a myth that says if your work is meaningful enough, you don't need to practice self-care. That is a complete lie. We're all serving one another. As such, it's really important for people who are serving clients to take that moment for self-care. On today’s show, Melanie Parish chats with leadership development expert Tony Loyd about self-care and how to increase it. They also touch on the imposter syndrome and how we can reinforce our own value as human beings.... Read More

What Self-Care Looks Like To A Cancer Advocate With Andrea Wilson Woods

​Being a cancer advocate is a profession that carries a lot of heavy emotional labor, especially when you’re personally invested in it. Having had the experience of caring for her younger sister until the latter succumbed to liver cancer, the fight against cancer is a personal one for Andrea Wilson Woods, so much so that she is up to her elbows running a two-pronged war against cancer through her nonprofit, Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association and her for-profit health technology company, Cancer University. At the same time, she is actively promoting her award-winning bestselling memoir, Better of Bald. How does she stay in peak mental, physical and emotional shape in the middle of this flurry of activity? Listen in as she shares some of her self-care routines with Melanie Parish on the podcast.... Read More