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Values are the filter thru which the vision is executed by the mission

Hey, I’m really excited to get to talk to you about values today. And the reason I’m excited to talk to you about values is we spend so much time creating our vision and our mission for our organizations. And that’s all great, we have to do that as leaders but I think of values as the filter that we put those things through because they’re really like the spice, and the flavor and the feel of the how of how you’re going to do things as a leader.

And we have both our corporate values. And we have our very own personal professional leaders, leadership values, like who are we as leaders, what do we value as leaders. So we may value open communication as a leader. The organizational value may be collaboration and those are in alignment, but occasionally, you know, an organizational value and our leadership value might be in opposition in some way.

And that can really muddy the waters around how we execute things. So I always think of these as filters. I think, as a leader, as you’re grappling with anything unclear. The path is to just get really clear on your own decisions, your own choices, and to lean in but also to know your values.

If you don’t know what your personal values are if you don’t know what your values as a leader, hire a coach. Do some work, figure out what those are. Get yourself really clear on what you see on the company values, what you think those are. These are things that you can actually discern ahead of time. And these become great filters for how, how you work.

So for example, I personally have a value that I call beauty, I love art, I love making art, I love things to just be aesthetically pleasing. And, and in specific ways that I know but the company. There’s also a company value in my company of you know, the aesthetics. I always want the materials that we produce to look professional. I want them to look cutting edge. I want them to have diversity in them in a variety of ways. And, and that really is in alignment with my beauty value but it’s a little different for the company itself.

And so everything we do gets filtered through those lenses to make sure that we’re meeting the vision and the mission of the company. With that flavor of the values. It’s how it feels to do the work itself.

I hope that this is helpful. I hope you can think about your values a little more. If you want to book a session with me to explore your own values as a leader, please reach out to us.

You can reach me at I’d love to chat with you about how we might help you do that. So that you can have a really clear filter to use as you do the work that you do. Have a great day and go experiment.



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